13 November 2013

junk and fire.

i read this quote a while back on a blog...it rings heart-wrenchingly true for me (italics mine).  

"There’s nothing like moving to a foreign country (community) to reveal all the crap that’s in your heart.  Seriously. I have cussed more, cried more, been more angry, had less faith, been more cynical and, generally speaking, have become in many ways a worser person during my last two years (year and a half) of serving in Asia (in Africa on Mercy Ships).  Call it culture-shock if you will, but I tend to think the stress of an overseas move thrusts the junk that was conveniently- covered before out into the blazing-hot-open."

the junk has been thrust time and time again.  
but i welcome it.  i want the junk out....out in the blazing-hot-open so that God can deal with it and make me more of who He intends for me to be.  the Refiner's fire...terribly wonderful.  beautifully difficult. 

i'm thankful for the patient and gracious dealing of our God.  

my prayer today...