29 September 2011

few favorite quotes

Favorite Song Quote as of late:

"The only place I ever will belong - Inside your open arms." - jon foreman song

Favorite Eli Quote/Interaction as of late:

Avoiding sleep tactic #785: Eli walked into the dining room at 9:50 last night (Nick and I were sitting in there working on stuff). He said, "Mom, i need to work on my typing." I said, "Ok. Let's do that tomorrow." He said, "I was hoping to do that now." I said, "No. Go to bed." He said, "aww..." And then he went back to bed. I'm just wondering what he came in there in the first place for...it wasn't to ask if he could work on his typing!

Favorite Caroline Quote/Interaction as of late:

We were laying in her bed talking and praying as she was getting ready to fall asleep and we were talking about her ears and how I've been praying for them to get better (they've got fluid in them again - which is making it quite difficult for her to hear...they don't hurt and they aren't infected or anything...just have fluid...). She said, "I've been praying about that very thing, Mama. I've been praying that God would just touch 'em and 'Snap!' they would be better." I said, "that would be awesome." She said, "but it's ok with me if He does it His way even if it's not the way I want Him to." Goodness. Such wisdom from a little girl.

Favorite Quote from Community Group:

"what is it with us and ugly marsupials?" -- molly white

Favorite Quote from "Jesus Calling" this week:

"do not look inward and lament the lack you find there. look to Me and My sufficiency; rejoice in My radiant riches that are abundantly available to help you."