10 October 2024

He never stops giving good gifts.

  • so.much.laughter with friday friends (who are actually every day of the week friends)
  • super tasty pretzels from aldi
  • lovely truth shared by a friend
  • molly completed her hours.  way to go!!!!
  • fun new swiffer mop thing (+ fabulosa cleaner)
  • ping pong (ish) in the kitchen with zoe
  • yaya's help with hoco dresses
  • MIC lunch...good to catch up
  • catching up on miranda hart 
  • being married to the most incredible man
  • meeting Sarah from Hope Foster Care
  • celebrating 24 years of kissing aforementioned man
  • emma's first practice with aces (encouraging coach!)
  • JH Board...easy to work with
  • running with caroline/zoe riding her bike on the riverwalk
  • getting to see/walk through lauren's garden!
  • really good staff meeting
  • Mr. Brad's willingness to take a look at emma's door (so many helpful people!)

03 October 2024

big things and little things. so many thankful things.

  • "God is providing for His bride!" - jmo
  • such beautiful skies...
  • treat tuesday just keeps happening!
  • zoe's kitchen in the backyard sunday
  • incredibly amazing wonderful gift of a house cleaning (i may ask for this for every birthday, christmas, mother's day from here on out!)
  • pretty pretty tiles in the mexican restaurant bathroom in lagrange
  • people in my life who smile big and live with joy 
  • christal...she's just lovely.  grateful for the way she loves me and interacts with zoe
  • wifi came back on, icemaker got replaced, pool pump got fixed, window got ordered
  • wouldn't mind this at all (especially if it also came with a coke):
  • God is the lifter of my head. Psalm 3 
  • a new cover for my bible! (fabric wax stamped and dyed in guinea!)
  • sweet kiddos swimming in their clothes in October
  • Big Floppy the Frog. A life well lived. 

26 September 2024

always gifts...just gotta look for them.

  • unexpected opportunities to sleep in a bit  
  • icemaker is under warranty (and there's no gas leak and no water leak and i think i found the issue with the pool pump!)
  • just right words from "written to speak" today
  • ice + cherry coke (so grateful every time!)
  • fun snacks and treats from nick
  • jackpot on the grape flavored fruit snacks
  • new to me song at ACC..."hold on to hope...sing hallelujah...gather your strength"...
  • yaya + shane's + lunch delivery
  • jacob & james found peter's lego guy!
  • "anchor my thoughts to the love of God." - soul space
  • house full of great kids on monday
  • funny things: 
  • when zoe plays independently (and hearing her interact with "tina" her new (imaginary) friend)
  • candace's chili!!
  • butterfly bouquets and thinking of my mom...5 years of healthy and whole in heaven!
  • SUCH a great weekend with Caroline in birmingham!
  • kathleen's kindness and hospitality
  • 3 sisters all together.  they're so pretty. 
  • getting to see campus through caroline's eyes/experiences so far (classrooms and work study and chi o house)
  • trader joe's treats
  • the way she does what caroline does ;)

19 September 2024

whole lotta treats

  • opelika lunch with beth
  • getting to talk to eli all the way to lagrange
  •  volleyball chocolate (some people have swimming chocolate...)
  • surprise biscotti 
  • jimbob's with emma 
  • unicorn icecream 
  • gas for 2.49 (feels like a steal of a deal) ;)
  • kasey's call  
  • getting to see her play
  • meaningful conversations over coffee
  • amazingly uncommon and super helpful generosity
  • the littlest sister drawing a picture for the biggest sister at the middlest sister's game
  • kj's timing 
  • anytime a customer service person is kind
  • swing full of sweet girls
  • "be invested, child, in simple obedience to your King and in long faithfulness to His call, shepherding daily those gifts and tasks and relationships he has entrusted to you, regardless of outcomes and appearances." - EMH
  • Thank You So Much Jesus  good song. 
  • pumpkin scones (ask and you shall receive :))

12 September 2024

glimmers of eternity

  • more margin and breathing room 
  • she got the one she wanted!  AND (more importantly) she trusted God every step of the way!)
  • cupcakes...and spoonfuls of icing
  • prayer prompts - candle (meegan), bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils (beth), flowers (fields of grace)
  • "will CFA before school help?"  "yes" (and the gift card to cover it)
  • this: 
  • flannel shirts
  • such loveliness...Zoe...the chalk drawings...the weather...the time together on the porch....
  • treat tuesday is officially a thing
  • THE BEST starbucks I've ever had at a volleyball game
  • hearing about/reading the wisdom, kindness, prayers & love Emma's friends are sharing with her
  • getting to work on school
  • sharing sacred moments with people i love 
  • classic Jonathan & Lisa (and the conversation with Emma that prompted me to find this song)
  • when people send pictures of my kids doing cool things
  • thankful for how nick has curated our music through the years...and our photos. 
  • it's looking like fall...and the leaves that are fun to play in....
  • looking for glimmers of eternity (another name for my thankful list)
  • walking in the driveway with such lovely humans
  • just right 1/2 of a cinnamon roll & coffee Saturday morning
  • "center me. settle me. gentle me." 
  • wise words/peaceful prayer:
  • buffalo chicken dip hot and fresh out of molly's kitchen!
  • the chair is cleared off (yay for clothes finally getting put away)
  • randy's kind words to Emma...thankful for how he SAW her
  • kiddos doing BRAVE things. 

05 September 2024

so much to be thankful for.

  • first UGA game of the season (love it. love it.)
  • ms. sherry's thoughts on sight words
  • so much went well for the So Long Summer event!!
  • the delight and wonder of fireworks
  • the prayers and presence of the people....so many people
  • that gracie noticed zoe on the slip n slide and came to join her
  • hearing about nick's trip to that one country
  • harris county high marching band....especially when they started with "eye of the tiger" 
  • no concerning spots
  • walking out of an appointment one minute after the time it was actually scheduled for (arriving early paid off!)
  • "identity comes before behavior." - corey johnston
  • sweet sisters snoozing in the sunroom...wearing their UGA shirts
  • emma had a wonderful time on the TA retreat!
  • donuts + coffee + cityscape sunday mornings
  • the fun caroline is having with rush
  • this:
  • eli and friends here for the weekend
  • making do with the food we have in the freezer and fridge
  • hands & hope mail/membership 
  • the cups came together just right! (and melissa's totes fit them all perfectly!)
  • driving up and seeing laura lea's car already in the parking lot
  • getting to talk to nick for such a long time tuesday morning
  • big dan and sherry planting the gardenias (what would've taken me way too longer took them about 11 minutes)
  • this little one and her deer
  • "Holy Spirit, wake me up to your constant presence and prune my priorities so i can go further in prayer-fueled mission." - lectio365
  • incredibly beautiful clement arts dinner...such significant stories shared! 
  • table full of fabulous folks to share the event with
  • we made it to September 2 
  • some more fall-like weather
  • maple mart for the spree win
  • emma trimmed my hair for me
  • finally figured out the parent pass situation

29 August 2024

i'm funny...and jesus loves me.

  • peaceful week (doing things ahead of time really works for me!) 
  • this: 

  • celebrating my dad's 80th birthday! (i managed to get zero pictures)
  • the sweetest ladybug teaset from betsy
  • all went well with the airbnb in birmingham
  • mini sabbath moment thanks to molly having zoe and hannah's giftcard
  • jenine's willingness to bring emma home
  • sweet time at Front Door (plenty o' new covenant members at cityscape!)
  • this one big brother seeing his little sister and drawing with chalk with her
  • the intentional devotional samford gave to us to share
  • the ease and efficiency of moving caroline in
  • caroline and mr. beeson
  • beef jerky from yaya
  • our own personal I.T. guy for caroline's move in - isaac (also a freshman at samford), eli's roommate from impact!
  • doughnuts and coffee on the porch 
  • the paparazzi (and incredible family)
  • popcorn at volleyball games
  • she's doing it!  and she's doing great! 
  • how logan just fits right in
  • emma's loveliness (and great friends and visit from youth leaders and doughnuts at school)
  • hearing emma laugh on the phone with friends
  • good verse:
  • benjie was able to fix eli's bike
  • our God is so artistic
  • mail from nick
  • sweet day with zoe (even though it really didn't go as planned)
  • free slice of strawberry cake at whistling pig
  • riding around callaway
  • mrs. keller's joy, energy and enthusiasm during her morning parking lot duties
  • truth! 
  • emma talking to the lukes
  • things that make me smile: