thankful in Kyustendil
- Messaging with Nick, Emma and Eli
- Safe trip to Bulgaria!
- Finding quiet spots of solitude
- Making boats with beautiful children
- Jeannie’s kindness...and her extreme generosity in gift giving.
- Peaceful easy going team...and trip
- October!!
- Coffee & doughnuts (won’t ever stop being thankful for that!)
- Good night of sleep
- Busting out with “have a little talk with Jesus” (amazed that others know that song)
- Day with Hollie and the girls
- OCOTOBO running
- Walking to dinner
- Found wallet
- Impromptu childrens’ program
- Corn in a cup, coke and a nice stroll (picture goes here!)
- Good questions/conversations
- “Georgia duners” (Duner = Schwarma)(Schwarma = wrap with chicken and fries....)(Georgia duner = burrito)
- “You are like Deborah” - word for the little girl in the Roma Village
- Beauty in the midst of it all