waffle makers and whiteboards.
- "...if i can raise them to be thinkers who love learning, then i will have done my job well. " maandpamodernhomeschool
- crave at ccc
- UGA game watching with the Bakers
- stepping out after hurricane irma (and the incredible lack of disaster)
- friends who are getting closer and closer to bringing their son home from china
- mercy me's happy dance
- getting more and more settled in our home schooling
- waffle iron worship instruments
- the sweet friends that hurrican irma brought to columbus (lauren and carey!)
- when my kids request to listen to really good songs
- pepper jelly + cream cheese + crackers
- caroline's cuteness in her jeans and boots
- the way God has been using the whiteboard this week
- lunch with dee dee...such easy and meaningful conversation
- Truth shared and Holy Spirit confirmation
- felt like getting up to run again.