stringing together the gifts...
- favorite favorites playlist
- the mutual excitement that KJ and i share over the fact that brio is back!
- (and the fact that Brio is back!!)
- girl scout cookie sharing, cheesestick loving, conversations-not-ready-to-end friend
- relevant articles in Relevant magazine
- getting the mats out on deck 7...and amazing little girls making themselves into burritos
- ellie holcolb album from sweet sweet shea
- seeing molly's face and getting to stay connected to her through skype
- evening swims with friends
- convsersations that are lead by others and mainly include questions
- my amazing year-round valentine
- his sweet plans for our evening...messenger scavenger hunt and gifts and cards and flowers and dinner at shamiana and dessert at codebar
- happiness with kirstie
- plethora of podcast options
- learning how best to care for my kids' hearts - a work in progress (those moments when i actually feel like i'm getting something right are few and far between - but oh how sweet they are!!!)