praising Him...the one from whom all blessings flow
- homemade spaghetti sauce, tom & ann-marie's generosity and the delightful discovery of cookie butter
- making my own cookie butter
- the chance to see how God's been working on me
- fran fluker's faithfulness to send us mail
- emma's cards & quotes
- taking my sunday evening "off"
- naps in the sunshine (inside with a quilt)
- honest feedback
- cheesestick drought is over
- kittens at code bar
- 2 more loaves of love bread
- feeling caught up on emails and messages for 1/2 a minute
- hearing about God's miraculous healing of a fistula patient in Madagascar
- fresh stack of rescued sterilization test cards from suzanne
- peaceful, easy time with rach at hotel du lac
- elisabeth's surgery went well
- firedrill hennas
- ani finished my dress!
- the remarkable advance team
- peaceful, sweet sleeping girl
- "the mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace." - jesus calling
- "she is beautiful...a cherry tomato..." - cross cultural compliments
- christmas packages have been located!
- the power of prayer. (why am i so surprised when prayers affect things?!)
- african sunsets (the picture is a pretty pathetic portrayal)
- running with nick
- johnson's encouraging email
- date night (it makes the list so often...i'm thankful everytime)
- amazing news about sweet baby lydia
- plenty o' cupcakes for the Community of Faith gathering (thankful for the cupcakes and the hands that made them!)