- sweet smelling lotion
- comfy pj pants
- lovely swedish chocolate from lovely swedish friends
- “there’s something so beautifully destructive about Jesus’ love. When you catch even a glimpse of its immensity it leaves destruction in its wake. It destroys all pride, selfishness, greed, apathy. You just can’t be the same. How can it be that One so good loves our broken beings so furiously?! “ –hannah palmer
- AFM Crew singing "In Christ Alone"
- No Ebola in Liberia as of 5 March
- magnets are unstuck from the counter
- KJ's kindness to print her file o' amazing quotes
- surprise cupcakes from Grade 1
- gurkha security
- packages in crew mail
- sweet moments of rest
- the notes that emma writes...so generously and abundantly
- "all we have needed, Thy hand has provided" -- even blueberries for birthday muffins
- celebrating my husband and my son (more to come on that)
- granola (and thoughtfulness) from Krystal