seeking to be occupied with praising and thanking Him
- academy swimming class
- raw conversation, tears included
- when the calling card works without having to retype the numbers a bazillion times
- a cupcake with the right amount of icing (pretty much equal parts icing and cake)
- remembering andrew
- creating (song mosaics in this case)
- via with mia
- soul-breathing, life-giving, overflowing-with-encouragement note
- mason jar monday
- eli's hugs when he knows i am frustrated
- popcorn balls
- silly pictures from a sacred friend that make me smile time after time
- "when you are occupied with praising and thanking Me, it is impossible to feel sorry for yourself." -jesus calling
- courageous friends who do incredibly courageous things (like confess...and confront...and sometimes both)
- "your perfect love could not be overcome." - song lyric
- emma's picture of the places we've lived