whether Your provision comes easily way ahead of time or at the last possible second, i trust you, God (the sooner, the better seems like the best plan to me!! though easy isn't always best...)
we're trusting His provision for (please trust and pray with us):
- our house -- to sell...and if not to sell, to rent.
- our jobs -- that He will send JUST the right people and there will be plenty of time for adequate training. AND that we will be able to do all we need to do as we continue to work and prepare for moving this summer.
- our financial support -- as one lady so nicely put it "His will, His bill."
- our hearts. this is hard.
- the hearts of our family & friends. this is hard.
- the details that i haven't even thought of. He's thought of them...and He's got a plan...
You are all we want in heaven! You are all we want on earth! psalm 73:25 (the msg)