08 March 2011

lessons from the kitchen sink

everytime i'm at the kitchen sink lately, i've had 3 big thoughts that come to my mind and get stuck there. maybe if i blog about them God will start sharing something new with me (or maybe He knows i need to keep thinking on the same 3). the funny thing is that i really should be at the kitchen sink right now rather than sitting at our dining room table typing a blog entry as the kitchen is quite messy with dirty dishes and such. oh well - they've waited this long, they can wait a few more minutes.

God's been reminding me of 3 big things during my time at the kitchen sink....

1 - there are lots of lessons about sin/dealing with sin in cereal bowls. i remember lee mcbride talking about how you need to deal with sin the way you should deal with a cereal bowl - clean it out as soon as you can. you know how it is if you leave cereal in a bowl in the sink...it gets all hard and stuck...and yuck. but if you would just immediately wash out the bowl time you're done, everything is much better! so my lesson? deal with sin/issues/struggles/mistakes as soon as you can...putting it off just makes it harder to deal with when you get to it.

2 - take life one thing at a time. sometimes i get overwhelmed by mess...especially a sink full of dishes. but if i can just remember to take it one thing at a time - clean this pot...put that plate in the dishwasher...scrub that bowl...eventually i get to the bottom of the sink and job is done.

3 - the other main lesson i'm learning from the sink is the discipline of practicing unselfishness. it's just about frustrating to get all the dishes done, walk away from the sink and then come back to find that someone has put another dirty dish in the clean sink! it's a small way that i can practice dying to self...attempting to joyfully take care of that dish rather than pitch a mini-fit.

so there ya go...now i'm off to spend some time with God at my sink.