27 February 2025

thanking God for the goodness evident in my reality this week

  • celebrating cityscape's 3rd anniversary
  • lauren's help getting the cake! 
  • the way soooo many people served so willingly

  • pumpkin scones in february (and the precious hands that prepared them and shared them!)
  • "unfetter me from thinking too much about what i'm not by showing me more of You and who i am in You." - from a prayer for more freedom
  • pretty chalk on a pretty day with a pretty girl
  • sweet trip to macon to see laura lane's basketball game - good for my soul to have time with my dad and brother and niece
  • wonderful conversation/time with emma on the way home
  • all the things in this picture that make zoe zoe - glittery shoes, unicorn pants & dress, scarf "hair", puppy dog strapped to the front of the bike, joyful heart happily riding her bike in the driveway
  • so much soccer with zoe
  • beautiful weather
  • most delightful sunset on a most delightful porch at AWF
  • delicious food, meaningful time at the table 2 nights in a row
  • "lucky crunch snack mix" from aldi
  • found some shoes at VRM! (and getting a copy of jesus calling for free -- "jesus is free...you don't have to pay for jesus!")
  • sleeping in past 10 on a wednesday
  • eli's excellent emails 
  • special night at Breathe
  • a surgery that went well 
  • dylan was able to walk away untouched/unhurt
  • good stuff in the bottom of the 3rd building
  • caroline came home for a few hours!
  • ALL of emma's help this week with zoe and chores around the house
  • "equip me to live for the glory and praise of God alone." - lectio