boxing day thankul list
- looking at christmas lights
- beautiful christmas eve service(s)
- all 6 cashes all together
- so much wonderful family time and food and presents
- just right liturgies
- zoe's enjoyment of CC (CiCi? CeCe?)
- when sudafed works
- everything worked out with communion servers and advent readers
- how awesome nick is at stockings!
- grandaddy's special sauce
- kind words from david and karina
- christmas morning living room view
- fried oreos...and pickles....eli is frying it up
- fires and fellowship
- reindeer games with the quintards...lots of balloons and cups and candy canes
- lunch with the scarboroughs...such meaningful conversation
- kind and easy cottage guests
- when the kitchen is about as clean as i can possibly get it
- how much caroline up...just jumps in
- laughing (for the thousanth time) over christmas vacation quotes
- random things that make me smile