breathing room...good gifts...
- friends eating burgers in the forest
- "i don't know margot" sweatshirt from nick
- well placed string of lights
- panera with emma
- shelley's grave digger story/impersonation
- sweet little walk with a beautiful view
- talking with ella grace
- the countdown is measured in weeks
- walking back with these 2
- "belonging matters"
- being on "this side" of the deployment mountain (as compared to this time last year)
- walking in the woods with wonderful people
- isaiah 25:12,,,,watching the trees applaud God
- blackstone hibachi!
- these 2 sweet sisters and their cute pictures
- "live and breathe with greater ease - as an eternal being loved by You." - lectio
- all the things for the prayer & worship night seem to be coming together
- sweet moments on the porch
- cream cheese + pepper jelly + crackers + friend who brought them
- kind lady at the tag office that let me go in front of her
- favorite trader joe's treat:
- cherry coke from the camper (and the best ham sandwich)
- rain + rest
- porch + coffee + cinnamon roll + phone call with nick (2x)