He lavishes His love...
- pedicures and a paper cutter with amy
- i stand amazed in the presence
- commissioning at impact 360 (per their usual - everything was done with such excellence and intentionality - even the corner of a parking lot can become sacred and holy ground in the right hands)
- founder's award - the most incredible provision. "what you believed could happen has happened." Matthew 8:13
- delicious iced coffee and good company
- blackberries from the backyard
- mr. wright's help with the tree. it all worked out.
- cake pops + ling ling + steak with the kao's = delightful mother's day
- emma's kindness to play LRC with zoe
- aidan & tim's interactions with the cash kids...love the conversing, not just interviewing
- james cut the grass! (and did such an excellent job!)
- provision in the form of bookcases
- caroline's care/attention/intentionality towards me sunday
- sweet flowers from the yerkes
- just the right breath prayers for just the right moments
- CFA giftcard from mum mum :)
- anniversary celebration! nick's gift giving NEVER ceases to amaze me.
- the best breakfast - coffee + pie on the porch
- hannah's kind note and sweet gesture
- pizza with jennifer and reagan!
- enjoying hand me overs with this girl