good things, graces & gifts received
- the puppies at sunette's
- remembering/celebrating glen jones' life
- super sweet childrens' christmas musical at cityscape
- knowing nick was able to watch it via livestream
- it's truly just a game
- refreshing Sunday morning
- grilled cheese + vegetable soup
- an ok cup of coffee with great company
- sinter klaus! ship traditions live on.
- christmas crack
- emma & i stayed patient in the midst of the rearranging
- finding what i was looking for
- lunch at impact with eli
- lovely girl in comfy new christmas pjs, beautiful advent readings
- rose's CFA kindness & generosity
- phone calls & facetime with nick
- rich and meaningful connection and conversation at victoria's
- isaiah 9:6 in the msg - amazing counselor, strong God, eternal Father, prince of wholeness...
- yup:
- emma's nail painting
- "good things, graces & gifts received" - ignatius
- getting to hear someone's heart
- "there's within my heart a melody, jesus whispers sweet and low 'fear not i am with you, peace, be still', in all of life's ebb and flow...jesus, jesus, jesus sweetest name i know. fills my every longing, keeps me singing as i go." -luther bridgers
- beautiful angels
- "i want to love and serve God with my whole life."
- filipino food with christal
- "this is my favorite playground" - zoe
- phone calls to keep me awake on the car ride home when the benadryl had other plans
- the sneezes went away