23 November 2023

thanksgiving thankful.

  • "the purpose of this season/situation is to befriend the presence of jesus." -  faith cho
  • sweet friends with their polaroid pictures (now we just need to find zoe's!)
  • easy peasy dnow hosting. middle school boys are the best group to host!!!
  • our church body gathered around us to pray and commission nick
  • getting little things taken care of (and using so many helpful little appliances....laminator, iron, glue gun....)
  • collaborating with yaya on a little present situation
  • "the praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards." - jrr tolkien
  • surprise leftovers from waffle house in the fridge (still don't know who they belonged to...but they were tasty)
  • tasty tasty steak
  • christmas decorating.  it seems to get easier and easier. (there may be another post about this)
  • lots of good podcasts on silence, solitude, stillness and prayer
  • this book.  have barely perused it and it has brought tears.  (and it's not nearly as bright blue as i anticipated...i'm really actually very thankful for that!!)
  • meaningful life shared walking around lakebottom
  • afternoon coffee & cranberry coffee cake with 2 of my favorites
  • oh, thanksgiving. what a gift. (it needs its own post in a day or 2...lots of bonus posts may be coming)
  • more excellent words from tanner olson:
  • hug from a friend that sticks with you throughout the day
  • just right run through the woods
  •  molly's dressing...she makes it, i bring it....i am able to contribute without doing much of anything...everybody is happy
  • my incredible family. i truly am so thankful.