14 March 2019

5 minutes on the requested word of the week: acceptance

(Acceptance might pair well with adjustment.)

For me, acceptance is coming to terms with a person, a situation, a choice, a decision...and being at peace with it.  I'm not saying agreement is mandatory or that compromise is necessary...but peace is important and reaching for it is important. 

Acceptance of a person - being at peace with a person - does not mean that you agree with them a million percent.  It does not mean that you accept every decision or choice - but maybe that you accept them as a whole (sounds like LOVE to me).  I accept my daughter - but I do not accept her bad attitude or sassy sauce when she throws it around.  I accept that DFCS has not approved a move for LJ (yet) but that does not mean I agree with that decision.  I accept it.  I have come to terms with it and am seeking peace in it. 

Acceptance of a person, a situation, a decision means receiving the gift that is being held out.  I don't think it means you have to like the gift or use the gift every single day...but you receive the gift - and maybe let the gift be what it is rather than wanting it to be something different.  (recognizing that sometimes the gift being given isn't what we think we want...and also remembering that really amazing gifts can sometimes come disguised in not so great circumstances/situations) (queue Laura Story's "Blessings")

Iyanla, whoever she may be, says it like this:

Something to think about.  So glad that my "something bigger than you you at work" is the Kindest, most Loving, Capable, Faithful Father and God of the universe who thoroughly accepts me and loves me completely.  I want to be more like Him in my acceptance and in my love.