29 November 2018

carrying gratitude in my bones.

  • "make me a vessel. make me an offering.  make me whatever you want me to be." - new wine/hillsong
  • papa's chocolate cake - and his determination to keep it hidden so that I could have as much as I wanted. 
  • hearing a pastor say something along the lines of "I don't network...it may be what God has other people doing but it's not what God's asked me to do." 
  • thanksgiving walk in the woods with Zoe in the sling - and this beautiful sunset to end the day

  • laying/resting/reading/marco-poloing on the camo couch
  • all the relevant podcasts (in particular the newest one "unedited")
  • MaMa made it out to the cabin so much
  • kids' shenanigans and pumpkin smashing

  •  how careful cash kids were on the 4-wheelers
  • wings + pizza + GA game + family
  • good quotes

  • texts with bean.  real questions. real answers. honesty all around. 
  • "christmas spirit" gift from Laura Lea (God is so very kind)
  • reading david crowder's Praise Habit with the kiddos...and responses to the Psalms

  • how very wonderful Thursday nights with community group are - one of THE BEST conversation topics has got to be God's been faithful and where we've seen Him at work. 
  • when a cash kid (or really any kid...but especially a cash kid) shares a piece of their heart with me
  • Melinda's thanksgiving letters to me, nick and Zoe
  • Katie's kind, encouraging and helpful words