- "make me a vessel. make me an offering. make me whatever you want me to be." - new wine/hillsong
- papa's chocolate cake - and his determination to keep it hidden so that I could have as much as I wanted.
- hearing a pastor say something along the lines of "I don't network...it may be what God has other people doing but it's not what God's asked me to do."
- thanksgiving walk in the woods with Zoe in the sling - and this beautiful sunset to end the day
- laying/resting/reading/marco-poloing on the camo couch
- all the relevant podcasts (in particular the newest one "unedited")
- MaMa made it out to the cabin so much
- kids' shenanigans and pumpkin smashing
- how careful cash kids were on the 4-wheelers
- wings + pizza + GA game + family
- good quotes
- texts with bean. real questions. real answers. honesty all around.
- "christmas spirit" gift from Laura Lea (God is so very kind)
- reading david crowder's Praise Habit with the kiddos...and responses to the Psalms
- how very wonderful Thursday nights with community group are - one of THE BEST conversation topics has got to be God's been faithful and where we've seen Him at work.
- when a cash kid (or really any kid...but especially a cash kid) shares a piece of their heart with me
- Melinda's thanksgiving letters to me, nick and Zoe
- Katie's kind, encouraging and helpful words
- all the thankfulness happening today
- meeting katie at the cute coffee shop in newnan
- a WHOLE DAY where i never left the house (i cannot remember the last time that happened)
- beautiful tree in the radney's yard (and the way/reason caroline captured it)
- boneless teriyaki wings (and being able to make a request)
- a husband who will do whatever he can to make any request happen
- words of Truth for Zoe Grace Cash
- the fun time nick and emma had at the museum (and the fun - not crummy! - crafts)
- the same song playing on the Truth (107.7) and the Joy (93.3) (i've been waiting for that moment)
- mcmichael road made the GPS
- the older youth that are investing in eli and caroline - they love jesus and are excellent role models
- the way the everbe embroidery is helping me appreciate our home all the more
- relevant quotes
- hearing thoughtful and responsible words coming from my nephew's mouth
- laughing through Relevant Magazine's "6 ways to have the most awkward family meal ever"
- 6 months with this precious one
- a weekend with lots going on and plenty of community
- porkchop at the whites
- these 5 fabulous guys (and all the other pursuit youth at ccc)
- jeanie's generous lunch and the chance to hear some more of zoe's miraculous story
- my first ever gigi's cupcake (kindness abounds!)
- this beautiful girl and the way her daddy loves her
- "want me to keep zoe for you?" - caroline
- cut through on holland road
- coffee with rachel greenland (worth every second of the drive to the airport)
- "bad puns, that's how eye roll." - letterboard quote
- things are rolling in the right direction
- impromptu art session at the ultimate game. amanda is generous with her talent (and her supplies)
- amazingly sweet and beautiful time of listening prayer at ccc
- community group casseroles
- perfect sunday afternoon ultimate game
- clean sheets and swept floors
- rainy days for days
- the ccc staff takes time for a retreat (and that it doesn't last too long and nick is back home!)
- "Choosing the best interest of another and acting on their behalf." - Tim Tebow's definition of love (from the "that sounds fun" podcast with annie f. downs)
- New Rivers - Brave Worship "a drop sets me free...but You're willing to pour me an ocean."
- Rotisserie chicken (x's 2) and friends to share them with
- "don't choose party over humanity." - mike foster
- ALL the gifts in this picture
- p2p with Caroline
- a week rich in community and friendship...
- thoughtful gifts (and sneak previews of ones to come!)
- when something is noticed and a thank you is shared
- coming home to these 2 treasures on the porch together
- grocery tossing (eli and emma's favorite way to unload groceries from the car)
- tastiest pretzel from sam's
- sweet time with AB Baby....her delight in painting nails and drinking chocolate milk
- velocity classroom sessions
- emma and zoe's light saber battle
- walking on traveler's way and the nearly unprecedented authenticity.
- AMAZING scones from a trusted friend (scones from a friend can be trusted...)(silly - and inaccurate - rewrite of proverbs 27:6)
- LJ's willingness to share his feelings
- God's good and perfect plans for each one of us
- free CFA with molly and our gaggle of children
- a carved clementine
- getting to sit beside nick for 3+ hours at the FM pastors/spouses retreat
- candy corn on the table
- strong (big) Truth on the wall at The Village Church
- cookie reception for derrick
- the torch has officially and smoothly been passed
- running with carey (she's worth getting up early for!!)
- beautiful evening skies (even if the picture doesn't do it justice)
- shopping trip with 4 fabulous teenagers (especially the goodwill part)
- honest conversations (always a gift)
- boston butts (and all the jokes)(and the money that was raised to help the wells get to albania)
- free starbucks at target (and friends who share that valuable information)
- hearing about God's work in swaziland
- 2 hours that feel like about 37 minutes at panera with a trusted friend
- stroll around cooper creek
- friends who take surprise selfies with my phone
- coke + cheese dip + nick + 3 cash girls
- the way aaron greeted me on the trail!
- perfect day for a picnic (and a bagful of .50 corndogs!!)
- treadstone + rails to trails + exercising together
- having ccc staff fun day here
- AMAZING fall weather
- looking in the rearview mirror and seeing kids reading
- halloween at yaya's
- conversation with christal
- jeeah's hope fall potluck
- grandaddy and emma's "bird" cage project
- buffalo chicken dip