such randomness when you really look at it...but boy am i thankful.
- christmas plays in the blom's bedroom
- the creativity of charlotte and emma
- dr. pepper christmas gift
- cheesesticks 2 nights in a row (both graciously paid for by others!)
- dining room and galley devos
- sweet goodbyes to sweet friends who came as 2 and left as 1.
- loaf of delicious bread bought for a good cause
- accents. love hearing them all across the ship.
- ghost breath/fairy floss/candy floss/cotton candy from a lovely friend.
- chocolate seashells from my favorite dutchie (no offense to any other dutchie)
- christmas quotes and solomon's happiness to cut and laminate them for me
- sitting with a friend in the pain. (but oh how wish i knew what to do when hugs and prayers don't seem like enough)