09 January 2015

5 minutes on the word of the week: right(s)

Right (s)
The word given to me this week from the ever lovely word giver: Right(s)

And she added “As in: you've gotta fight, for your right, to party! See Also:  the bill of rights.”

Which really has me thinking not only about the Beastie Boys, but also that this word “right” (and/or “rights”) has so many different meanings!!!  I can turn right, be right, have rights…I can fight for rights, have my rights read to me…what about children’s rights? Animal rights? The right to bear arms (and the right to bare arms)? All kinds of possibilities…all kinds of cans of worms that could be popped open (aside: I’ve never actually seen a can of worms…I’ve seen a plastic container of worms but no cans of worms….).  I don’t even know where to go with this word "right(s)" (and 1/5 of my time is GONE!!).

I’ll head in the direction of “when it’s wrong to be right”  -- that was the title of an article that has had a significant impact on my life.  Basically it was talking about how being right isn’t always the most important thing (the article was specifically talking about this concept in the context of marriage…but it applies to all relationships and to life in general!). 

So many times in life we think our way is the way and maybe even the only way…and that’s just really not very true most of the time.  The reality is that most of the time there are lots of different ways. 

Silly example: when we lived in Columbus there were quite a few different routes to get from our house to pretty much any other place in town.  Nick and I usually chose different routes….I preferred mine, he preferred his. And it would have been ridiculous for me to suggest that his way was wrong and my way was right. Just because it’s not the way I would do it/not the way I would go, does not at all mean that’s wrong. 

Sometimes we get hung up on our own “right”…and we miss the chance to experience another version of right.  And in the words of somebody (Aerosmith?) I “…don’t want to miss a thing…”  What might we be missing when we refuse to accept any other "right" other than our own?