28 April 2014

'cause quotes are fun for sharing

Here are a few quotes from the book I just finished.  I read it in honor of my friend Courtney....she loves Christian Fiction as much as I do (wink, wink).

from Beneath A Harvest Sky by Tracie Peterson

"...if you intend to be miserable, you will be.  If you decide to be happy, then you'll find a way to achieve that.  You seem determined to be miserable no matter what takes place, so you are welcome to it.  Just don't expect the company to love misery."

"...funny how water didn't seem all that important when there was plenty of it."

"I've learned from past experience that the sooner I deal with a grievance, the sooner I recover my life.  The longer I let the matter remain in turmoil and bitterness, the more time I lose."

And a picture that has nothing to do with the quotes but it's good:

24 April 2014

gifts galore

  • beautiful celebration of easter
  • foot washing as a family 
  • face to face with His love
  • having help with the easter egg hunt
  • easter surprises

  • rain pouring down while we're dry and happy on the inside
  • conversation with koffi - the kind where you can't help but keep smiling long after it's over
  • easter brunch!
  • open cabins..it's nice to have so many in our home
  • basketballs and poetry
  • fun stickers from a faithful friend

  • celebrating and welcoming mampho
  • "listen to me and live abundantly" - jesus calling
  • checking things off my to-do list (as mental as it may be)
  • having a watch to wear
  • before & after...miraculous. 

23 April 2014

change the world.

she said it so easily last wednesday (though the day really doesn't matter)

after a lovely conversation with a lovely lady (the 2nd of the morning with this gem of a friend!), i was leaving her cabin and she so easily called out in her sing-song cadence "you're going to change the world, casheroo."

and for some reason i believed her.

the moment was so significant i stopped to jot it down...at the desk in reception...on my calendar....

...and i do believe it.

not because of me or anything i can or cannot do...but because i truly believe a life lived unto Him changes things...changes this world...changes my world.

it's true for you, too. you're going to change the world.  that's all there is to it.

another way of looking at it: no matter what you're changing - tires, lightbulbs, diapers, air filters, dressings, clothes, jobs, locations, wall color, pediatricians, shoes, any other variety of things that get changed - you're making this world a different place.

be who He has made you to be.  change the world. 

18 April 2014

raw thoughts. good friday.

there was something about the hammers...

all placed around the cross...just waiting for the nails to be pounded in...

and then the noise of it.  it was a loud ache in my heart.

"it was my sin that held Him there...."  my sin.  His love.  my failure.  His love.  my screw-ups.  His love.

the question was posed "if you were at the foot of the cross, what would you say or do?"

kneeling...weeping...i'm sorry.  i'm so sorry.  for my sin and my selfishness...for my pride and arrogance...i'm so sorry.  i'm so sorry you are getting what i deserve. how can you stand it, Jesus?  how can you stand it, God?

He says "because I love you."

tears streaming...the focus shifting from me to Him.  thank you. thank you. thank you.

thank you that friday is not the end.  it's such an uncomfortable place...the worst waiting ever.  hanging. waiting for Sunday.

thank you, God, that friday is not the end...it's hopeless and dark and empty.  i don't like hopeless and dark and empty. it's unpleasant.

coming face to face with my sin and shortcomings is not pleasant.  it's downright painful and uncomfortable - though those words don't come close to describing it accurately.  throw in some devastating and ugly...horrible...wretched...unacceptable...now i'm starting to scratch the surface.

it makes His love all the more significant.

17 April 2014

treasures all along the way...

  • super sweet & successful time at Park Adventure
  • hearing that people i love and admire have extended and will be here on the AFM longer than we originally thought
  • christy collins.  lovely lady.
  • kids working on math.  it's good for them to learn math.

  • pizza made by friends, eaten with friends
  • homemade double stuffed oreos
  • sleepover with caroline!!
  • surprise room service
  • starting our journal (me and caroline)
  • kind note & sweet treat from elisabeth (along with God's perfect timing and thoughtfulness)

  • time with michelle and kirstie
  • awesome email from mary
  • the chance to get to know some of our west african crew a bit better
  • beautiful new mug (and fun little pouch!) from kenya 

  • remembering jon kay's intentional hugs
  • tears that spring up all of a sudden as a result of being an ocean away from friends
  • listening to andy stanley

  • strawberry blow pops
  • life & meaningful conversation shared at table 19 at carnivore last night
  • the gift that happened at lunch as a result of not making up the bed

16 April 2014

kind of a Tim Tebow fan. such randomness.

I must admit, I'm kind of a Tim Tebow fan....but kind of not.  The "kind of not" is NOT grounded in anything worthwhile.  The "kind of not" is only because he was SUCH a great football player at the University of Florida and he didn't take it easy when playing "my" Georgia Bulldogs.  Bottom line: I didn't like him because he was so awesome (great reason not to like someone, I know).

The "kind of a Tim Tebow fan" is based on what I've seen and heard about his character and willingness to not only claim to be a Christian but also live life as a public figure as one who loves the Lord.  My thought is that any guy who spent part of his childhood as a missionary kid in the Philippines (and continued to take mission trips back there) and grew up to play SEC football must be pretty cool.  I've also always been pretty impressed with his ability deal with all of the accolades and criticisms that accompany being in the eye of the public.  (the reason I say I'm only "kind of" a fan is because I'm really slow to jump on fan band wagons...just not my thing)("kind of a fan" is a pretty good compliment if you're a super star).  

Why am I even talking about Tim Tebow?

Back up a few steps...(I could insert a Seinfeld reference here.  I'll refrain.)

One of the things I get to do on the Africa Mercy is play in the library.  By play I mean act like the librarian.  By act like the librarian I mean check books and dvds in and out, straighten up the magazines on the table, and have story time once a week (among a few other things).

One of the dangerous aspects of this little job is the fact that I really like to read and there are quite a few good books in the Africa Mercy library.  All to often I have to fight the urge to stop all I'm doing and read....

One of the books that came across the desk the other day was Tim Tebow's Autobiography "Through My Eyes."

Being the SEC fan that I am (Nick, aren't you proud?!), I picked up the book and flipped through it...and decided it was worth more than a casual flip through (honestly, one of the main things I wanted to know if he ever found a suitable woman - I always want the "good guys" to end up with a "good girl")(the answer is no....at least not that I can tell...and I didn't feel like spending much time googling it....plus that's really none of my business). 

Other than the girlfriend/wife thing, the main thing that made me want to read his book was this part of the introduction:   

"...it's not always the easiest thing to be the center of so much spilled ink.  You read flowing things, and it doesn't feel deserved.  You read things that are critical, and it cuts you to the bone.  It's because of both of these extremes of others' opinions that I felt it the natural thing to do to tell my story, written from my perspective."

And then there was this gem of a quote that is quite applicable to a lot of life (and seems particularly applicable to Mercy Ships life....)

"Strong leaders encourage you to do things for your own benefit, not just theirs.  And with the right kind of encouraging, equipping ad passionate and visionary leadership, the people who are still sitting on the fence will eventually get off and start working hard, going to class, putting forth an effort, and watching film.  Or they will quit.  Either way the result is good for the team.  That's because the team is now left only with members who are all pulling together in the same direction, believing in the vision, and willing to do what it takes to achieve it."

So the point of this whole post: I enjoyed reading Tim Tebow's auto-biography...check it out (library pun totally intended).  Hearing his story from his point of view challenged me and encouraged me....and God used it to speak some Truth to me about Eli.  Another good reminder that we never know the tool He's going to use to communicate His message.

10 April 2014

thursdays are for giving thanks (as are other days)

  • new music! bryan & katie torwalt, "new" (to us) jesus culture
  • able to access itunes
  • hearing caroline sing
  • miss floor's patience in PE
  • NOT being cold in the pool
  • a husband who seeks to understand me
  • lovely breakfast with a delightful friend, perfect drinks and a beautiful view

  • bonus date night = picnic, frisbee, softball, walk on the beach
  • cookies from shea
  • our God allows us to wrestle with tough questions
  • coffee & chocolate croissant
  • scissors...quite the useful tool
  • learning new words from courtney
  • the kids bubble blowing abilities (and the joyful time they had with miss suzanne)

03 April 2014

He gives & gives & gives

  • unexpected time with suzanne
  • authenticity & raw realness
  • peace in relationship(s)
  • peaceful & positive running club
  • going to bed early
  • Emma & Pooh Bear swinging on deck 7

  • God doesn't get tired of me.
  • toes that are stepped on eventually get to feeling better
  • fun news from a friend about future possibilities.  i love it when God unites hearts. 
  • picnics on the floor
  • fun band-aids
  • chess club

  • "I am a God who gives and gives and gives." - jesus calling
  • bag of sweet treats (socks, sharpies & sixlets!) from the girls in cabin 3433
  • box of tissues for eli
  • when kids work together to achieve a common goal
  • purple pen is found
  • knowing shea and gretchen will be on the dock to run
  • shea's private investigator skillz (and friendship)
  • hearing from friends in columbus
  • "your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you...your goal is to keep in communion with Me." - jesus calling
  • beautiful moments

  • emma's cute braids
  • community shared over smoothies
  • God's faithfulness to the Chandras (and to all of us)
  • new rend collective album
  • the life & exuberance of sharon holcomb ellis
  • the way my beautiful friend beth wrote about sharon (and hurt in general)
  • AFM pedicures with emma and caroline
  • well balanced meals for our children
  • "pain does not define us - your joy reignites us...i am broken - running into your arms." - rend collective
  • sweet surprise from jasmine.  what a girl.