thankful words.
- dancing on the dock with emma
- mama marsha's willingness to watch the kids so i could go play ultimate
- easy to find and order new UGA hat for nick
- life lessons from starbucks
- eli's unprompted help cleaning up tonite
- matt & denise's invitation to go get lunch (it didn't work out...but the invitation was a gift!)
- the cookies they brought back as a consolation prize
- blue fingernails
- the way mirabelle greets emma at school
- the pictures God shares
- God's impeccable timing
- mercy.
- deborah hodges is fully as God intended her to be - whole in heaven
- caroline's help in the library
- getting to talk to nick
- shooting basketball on the dock
- "thank Me & rest in My Sovereignty." - jesus calling
- redemption -- how one thing can redeem so much
- the reminder that there are 2 sides to every story
- "no yelling" blog
- God's prompting to do something i almost forgot about doing (and He provided the window of time to do it)
- 2 jumpdrives full of IHOP music and talks
- encouraging words & helpful blog recommendations from "my molly"
- the quietness of the ships as they come through the day and night....(it might make for some miserable nights if they were loud and rowdy).