- the kindness & amazing care-package-packing-skillz of the shuman's (God has brought complete strangers - who are quickly becoming friends - into our life to bless us....)
- package of flair pens (a gift to myself)
- picking up the hospital mail and delivering it (or delivering news of it). i really like that part of my job!
- our waiter at the riviera gave us a whole new hummus in our carry out box - not just what was left on the plate. what a gift!! (hummus just keeps making the list)
- "as your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency." - jesus calling
- open mic night - what a fun & enjoyable event
- birthday cake oreo cookies
- having a camara to take pictures of so many of the things i'm thankful for
- pictures & comments on facebook that make me smile and/or laugh (inside scoop: that's often the main reason i click "like" on anything)
- kirstie's talk at the community meeting (see previous post)
- skyping with amy IN OUR CABIN!
- fresh strawberries. worth every penny (franc)
- an abundance of chocolate covered espresso beans
- package from the aikens
- the cuteness of kids when they are dressed up in costumes
- distributing muffins
- our new umbrella.
- breakfast for dinner
- the enjoyment eli gets from his legos (and especially from new lego sets)
- singing "God of this city..." it's taken on a whole new meaning.
- amazing weekend naps
- playing kickball on the dock
- pizza with the chandras
- making (and eating) mac & cheese with emma
- surprise package from Amy
- dove chocolate
- michelle anderson is back! i like that lady.
- getting to cut/shred/pray
- "managers money"
- eli & caroline's dedication to finding things for the "final field service flea market"
- inspiring stories of trusting, listening to & obeying God (i'm reading "God's Smuggler To China" right now)
- a pretty fountain
- my new swimsuit top came - it matches AND it fits!
- "we couldn't. that was the beauty of it. it would be the Lord Himself who would make the way." -brother david
- ali's photography abilities and how she shares her pictures so generously