little list.
- really good steak for dinner saturday night
- aaron white (it's fun to celebrate such a special boy!)
- 60 minutes segment was aired & was positive (no one knew exactly what was going to be said/shown before it aired...)(and it was prety much accurate!!!)(the majority of the ship is NOT american)
- the encouragement that comes through facebook (kind of redeems it a bit)
- successfully took a taxi back to the ship
- 3 little girls who had fun at the pool and didn't complain about waiting
- NOT a grumpy cup of coffee (aka an AMAZING cup of coffee!)
- coffee/conversation with krissy
- emma's cuteness (especially when she says, "...and i was like...")
- i attempted to clean our chairs (thankful that i can mark that off my list)
- new coke supplier right outside the port!!
- caroline's determination to carry the cokes (and her impressive strength)
- emma walked quite the distance off the ship
- direct acceses to amy :)
- the way beth prays for me and thinks of me (and lets me know)