04 October 2012

thank You thank You thank You

  • "look to Me and My sufficiency" (so thankful we have a God that allows us to look to Him...and so thankful that He is indeed sufficient)
  • cinnamon rolls at breakfast on Friday
  • having one of those cinnamon rolls Friday afternoon with God and coffee
  • talking to our kids about the "new" dinner time plan went well
  • the girls got their flip flops!!!
  • the "rockin' dvd" that lauren marquez sent (such an unexpected source for that dvd!)
  • october (though most of my favorite things about october aren't here in guinea...)(that's ok...i'm still thankful for october!)
  • laughter at lunch
  • i got to meet sam - the worship leader from ward church (i was asking God to cross our paths...and He did!)
  • "bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name."
  • worship & communion on Sunday night (and all 3 kids cooperated - and even participated at times)
  • communion here on the ship is the same "style" as Christ Community...a sweet taste of home
  • that i don't have to put shoes on to go to the bathroom
  • clean, cold water to drink (especially after a hot, sticky run)
  • nicole markert's story about the snake & her high heels.  hilarious!!
  • God saying "I understand you perfectly" (through Jesus Calling)
  • "everyone who calls out 'Help God!' gets help!" Romans 10:13 (msg)
  • chocolate chip cookies during the break of the training session
  • emma's quietness & peacefulness during the training session
  • laughing with Gateway friends
  • that amy answered her phone
  • teeth cleanings for eli and caroline are done (even though i forgot about them until 10 minutes after we were supposed to be there...thankful for the reminder girl from lisa, the hygienist)
  • nick only broke one bone (and apparently it didn't hurt too terribly)
  • we won't be getting any bills related to that broken bone
  • sticker snickering (and the creativity of little girls)
  • ship holiday tomorrow!  no school! no work!