27 June 2024

this list is pretty much chronologically backwards.

  • good sleep and rest
  • unexpected encouragement, kindness and generosity from 2 ladies that i hardly know. 
  • snagging sweet screenshots of these 2 from impact promo videos
  • coming home to a cleaned up kitchen 
  • curtis & kati's kindness and generosity to host a spirit day at JimBob's for Jeeah's Hope
  • tables full of supportive friends
  • just right nap on the couch...cuddling with zoe and jupiter...raining outside....
  • time with aidan...zoe's time with ella (with coffee drinks & doughnut holes to boot!)
  • celebrating hannah banana
  • when wednesdays are significantly better than tuesdays
  • such a pleasant conversation at the picnic table under the tree branches
  • good question: 
  • emma and her giddiness
  • emma's enjoyment of volleyball. excited to lead on JV!
  • this girlie and her watermelon cutting and eating skillz
  • hearing about a baptism in a friend's pool
  • walking with lauren. always a joy. 
  • sweet thought: 
  • how lis just gets it. so much of it. love sharing life with her.
  • the remote was found = the tv could be turned off
  • the curls
  • gas station chicken fingers
  • lots more last day time on the beach than the weather led us to believe we would have
  • pretty toes & a starbucks drink...and a really incredible sister. 
  • the bikes (and all the people) made it home safely
  • sweet realization about my leaving the island tears
  • making the list 3 weeks in a row (finally have visual representation): 

20 June 2024

thankful from an island off the coast of GA - week 2

  • having a husband i miss so much.
  • successful surgery for the littlest kump
  • wil's desire/willingness to help
  • the tent made it another day (and another)
  • more bike rides with emma
  • sweet and somewhat serious conversations at epworth at sunset

  • big waves & laughing in the ocean
  • the bounce of ponytails (amy's and emma's) on the sea doo
  • perfect evening for the playground
  • first peach milkshake of the season
  • another avoided wreck...friends who make it safely to the beach!
  • absolutely fun and fabulous day at the water park/playground...came in when it opened, stayed until it closed (and a delightful free icecream cone...tiny though it be).
  • quiet moments here and there
  • hearing/noticing new things in God's word
  • pretty teal pen
  • yaya made and brought us lunch!
  • sunscreen
  • fun questions to go with the movie:
  • little pre-church dulce dough
  • my favorite porch
  • clean clothes
  • anytime a child trusts you enough to hold your hand
  • i've never gone a day without knowing my father's love - heavenly or earthly
  • being with my dad on father's day (and not one BUT TWO cats in the cradle references)
  • lauren's extra attention to/for the cats
  • siblings that are so easy to be around
  • excellent choice for the new head volleyball coach at calvary!
  • comfy elephant pants
  • listening to the sermon with caroline + running
  • hearing about the beautiful breathe event that happened! 
  • the rumor was just a rumor. not true at all. 
  • long walk with my sister
  • repair and reconnection for people that i love
  • stamps & postcards & finding a mailbox
  • more provision for caroline through scholarships! (just a little more to go!)
  • the Lord's enormous and extensive patience with me

13 June 2024

thankful from an island off the coast of GA

  • eli's help packing yaya's car...cash men and their tetris like packing abilities
  • emma's character/choice/integrity.  
  • this place. this space. this time. these people. 
  • coffee on the porch...lots of cups of coffee on the porch!
  • getting to just sit (it's strange not to read...but it's good just to sit)
  • dolce dough donuts...even better than i remember. goodness. 
  • incredibly delicious meals around the table in the thompson cottage
  • cheeseburgers on the beach
  • zoe's delight and contentment in/at/around the ocean/beach 
  • orientation at samford went well for caroline!
  • successful longest drive for previously mentioned college oriented girl
  • pretty purple flowers by the marsh 
  • Hebrews 4:16 "walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give - take the mercy, accept the help." 
  • wil brought an ice maker! brilliant. 
  • reminders on my run
  • "Jesus, thank you for being so normal and so amazingly different at the same time." - lectio
  • getting to walk on the beach and talk to nick on the phone
  • the best fitness tip:
  • molly's help with all things everbe this week!
  • found a mailbox to put a letter in 
  • mornings on the beach (and afternoons on the beach...and evenings on the beach...)
  • spur of the moment ideas that end up with extra friends at the beach!
  • BIG Uno cards. 
  • girls and boys playing cards
  • lauren's phone call
  • laughing about mini trampolines being used to get books on the top shelf
  • post dinner solo bike ride.  

06 June 2024

seeking to see what i have and give thanks

  • big bag of treats & gifts from barb & suzanne (felt like i won an IG giveaway!!)
  • treading water at the taylor's...coffee...banana bread.... 
  • the fun & joy that getting a new book in the mail brings (and getting to listen to her daddy read it)
  • reading/finishing "the cure" - especially the section on friendships. 
  • twice baked potatoes with molly
  • picked up this gem on the way home from pine mountain.  gas station pizza is so good!!
  • june's gift from beth.  goodness the generosity. 
  • sweet little playdate at cityscape
  • the way candace reminds me of jesus...surrounded by children. 
  • "jesus, open my eyes so that i might see all that i have and give thanks to you for everything." - lectio
  • cottage guests that leave a cash tip on the table
  • good quote/reminder: 
  • i'm thankful i'm not always crabby.  that would just not be good. 
  • cracker barrel with yaya and zoe  
  • getting to check off another month
  • 2 more sleeps until SSI
  • "i yield my heart to the possibility of miracles - of abundant provision, mercy & fresh hope." - lectio
  • these 3...and knowing they're having an incredible time at Souled Out

  • the brakes on the pilot work well (always a good thing when someone pulls out in front of you)
  • bouncing ideas back and forth with christal
  • kids who love swimming and swimming and swimming