31 August 2023

seeking to be regularly startled and humbled by joy!

  • the excellence of Impact 360
  • smooth move-in day for eli (maybe the epitome of bittersweet) 
  • "Lord, i'm amazed by You." 
  • all the truths are true for all of us!
  • coffee and pastries with caroline
  • watching friends operating in their giftings at the Clement Art advocates' retreat
  • morse code bracelets
  • celebrating my dad and meme in winder
  • time at chapel falls
  • sabbath monday...wowzahs. 
    • early start
    • had everything i needed/wanted 
    • pj pants
    • doughnuts and coffee
    • morning nap
    • long lunch with beth
    • rainy afternoon
    • steffany gretzinger's "the narrow way" (just the right soundtrack for the day)
      • specifically "shadow of shaddai"
    • all the books and journals - tapestry of awesome things
    • writing notes
    • nick makes it so easy (and i come home to a house that is cleaner/neater than i left it)
    • leftover barbque
    • peaceful lake house
  • listening to the promise 686 zoom meeting....and getting all the other things done at the same time. 
  • time with the chases and robertsons
  • good stuff: 

(i won't necessarily be the one getting super excited about a dog i just met on the street...but i like all the rest of that)

24 August 2023

gifts presents treats & treasures

  • tacos and cards with the walls
  • friends at volleyball games
  • this: "clear is kind. unclear is unkind." yes!! 
  • "...take time to become more aware of Your constant love..." - lectio 365
  • waffle thursday
  • lovely first class of the semester at Clement Arts
  • a phenomenal 18 year old son who is ready for what's next
  • baptisms and front door and a church that is vibrant!
  • saturday night pizza making with some incredible freshmen
  • tiny break in the heat (timely reminder that it's not going to stay hot forever!)
  • my dad's birthday!!
  • impromptu worship
  • days that work out just right and everything gets done
  • "let Your love, God, shape my life." 
  • card playing on the porch

17 August 2023

first time for everything

i wrote the first part of this post about a week ago before Emma's first day at Calvary. 

sending a kid to school...people do it all the time...but i haven't....ever.  not really at least. but i'm doing it monday.  and i've got some things to process - thus, a blog post with terrible capitalization. 

she's got her supplies. and her schedule. and a copy of the fire exit routes. maybe she's ready.  (confession: i took a picture of the fire exit routes because i couldn't keep the room numbers straight).

maybe she's ready. but am i? 

we've homeschooled and we've sent kids to school on a ship in africa (that sounds way more dramatic than it actually was).  but never have i ever sent a kid to school like the vast majority of most regular people do. 

we've always said that we would take it (the decision of whether to homeschool or send to school) year by year and child by child....with one child that meant joining in with a co-op for 2 years, and for the oldest 2 that has mean dual enrolling at CSU their junior and senior years...but with all the other children for all the other years, we've done our schooling at home with an assortment of curriculum (95% of that has been provided straight by God at pretty much not cost to us! homeschooling doesn't have to be expensive!)(but that's another blog for another day).

at some point in the past year emma began talking more seriously about wanting to go to school - so we said we would pray about it.  that answer feels like a cop out sometimes...but it's really what we do!!  we (and by we i mean nick) also research - gathering facts and information and looking at our options.  as we started taking slow prayerful steps forward, we felt the door to Calvary Christian School was opening just a bit wider and a bit wider....

and then i was sitting on the porch with a new friend and she was sharing some of her story and (without knowing the decisions we were contemplating) shared that, when her girls were younger (they are young adults now) she and her husband had decided to enroll them into a private christian school...and what she said (for a variety of reasons) resounded deep in my soul and i knew in that moment what the Lord was calling us to.

and once you know what He's calling you to, it's much easier to do what He's calling you to (and that, my friends, is why i blog...i needed God to help me get to that sentence right there).

truth be told, homeschooling feels easier and safer.  but it's not best for emma - at least not for the time being (we'll see what God says about next year and the next year).  


i didn't quite finish this blog in time to post it before she started school....but that just means you get to hear more of the story.

calvary has a special tradition of gathering on the first morning of school to pray for the students and teachers (photo credit goes to caroline).  how very special for the entire school - from the littlest to the oldest and everyone in between - to gather and consecrate the year to the Lord. i can't think of any better way to start the school year. 

AND she's had a great week!  and i had a great week! (not because she was gone...but because she was right where she was supposed to be!) she's had friends to sit with at lunch. seems to be understanding the things being taught in her classes. is happy to wake herself up every morning. doesn't mind my cheesy little notes in her lunchbox. 

go knights. swords up. (that's not really what they say.  caroline has jokingly said it for soccer)(but then the first morning of school when we gathered to pray, they had us hold up a finger and say "swords up"...so maybe they do say that....i'm really not sure).

and next week we get to send a kid to a gap year program.  not just sending him to school...releasing him to live away from home...might need another blog post. 

my God is so big...so strong and so mighty!

  • "may the Holy Spirit have entire possession" - andrew murray
  • getting to see aletha (love how last minute plans worked out) 
  • freshly painted fence
  • incredible kids (not all are pictured) on a shady (in the best of ways) playground 
  • emma's first volleyball game
  • this beautiful girl is 17!!
  • singing "my God is so big" with little emma and ms. molly
  • lovely flowers for no particular reason
  • watching ducks waddle
  • first day of school after school treats at yaya's
  • God's kindness through a stranger named Daryl at Sam's...he really saved my entire morning
  • all went well for the first day at calvary for emma and first day of fall semester at csu for caroline
  • nick's grilling skillz
  • golden (17 on the 17th) birthday lunch for caroline
  • really good ice in the church kitchen at the volleyball game...don't mind if i do. 
  • the way aunt amy shows up for my kids
  • eli's diagrams for zoe
  • clean car! 

10 August 2023

taking time to see the quiet miracles...

  • easy peasy trip to the dentist
  • "take time to see the quiet miracles that seek no attention." - john o'donohue
  • orientation at calvary - walking in what we know the Lord has led us to for emma!
  • sheffield's...able to work the car in, no charge to fix it
  • amy was able to pick up nick from the airport
  • helpful hands working on breath prayers
  • yaya's help with the certificates (sometimes a little help is what's needed!)
  • good run/walk around heath park
  • candy salad 
  • coming home to dinner fixed
  • caramel ribbon crunch...always welcome. 
  • "...the Lord is thinking about me right now." - Psalm 40:17 (such an incredible thought - He's thinking about me...wonder what His thoughts are towards me...i love that He lets us ask Him.....)

03 August 2023

loving kindness all over the place

  • walking on the beach with my dad
  • rainy day starbucks outing (thanks, wil!)
  • friday night's dinner - sharing gratefulness about our vacation...so special, sacred, sweet (can this please be a new tradition?!)
  • one last beautiful st. simons sunrise 
  • easy peasy pack up saturday morning
  • emma + friends + christmas in july saturday night (+ EK's pizza dip!!!)
  • the pantry is the cleanest it's been in a while (didn't intend to clean it...but one thing led to another)
  • good reminder: 
  • beautifully restful sunday afternoon and evening
  • unexpected el carrizo date with nick
  • 2 kids wearing impact t-shirts
  • the grocery fairy visited everbe (who is also the gardening/weeding fairy, the cottage fairy, the pool fairy, the cat feeding fairy...she's quite the fairy)
  • girls with great taste in backpacks 
  • crepe myrtle blossoms!
  • cityscape youth leadership retreat!!! 
  • ministry happening at first tuesday 
  • yaya and zoe's delightful evening with ms. victoria mitchell
  • dinner with 3 delightful ladies!  
  • beautiful sunset
  • the gift ninja's sneakiness