mercy ships couples welcoming babies into the world
$1 coke from mcdonald's
the beauty of Fields of Grace (the actual beauty and the spiritual beauty...the present beauty and the future beauty)
t-train's face time call with the chalmers - her smile and giggles were beautiful
celebrating riley and olivia
serve week. it's so incredible in so many ways. very thankful for Eden Church's leadership, coordination, planning, preparing, executing. so much good stuff happening in/for our city and her people.
zoe's nail painting expertise (and caroline's willingness to let her)
grilled hotdogs, weather that cooperated and a nearly perfect time at callaway
nick's willingness to bring the paddleboards over (and how close it is to his office!)
a week that has been rich and full...quite packed...but packed with really great things
my own personal kitchen fairy
another beautiful breathe event
staying on the prayer call just a few extra minutes
"i trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. for what you have done i will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And i will hope in your name, for your name is good." psalm 52:8-9
sidewalk chalk prayers for bio parents
a new to me karen kingsbury book to enjoy
anytime the fly swatter connects with a fly
tiny ice ice tray (my husband loves me!)
yaya and zoe enjoying brown bear, brown bear (and yaya's cute headband :))
kid free time with ella
no more speech therapy is needed at this time for t-train! (and getting to see familiar faces at her evaluation)
emma's excitement about the school year and the books that go with it
getting glimpses into eli's world at immersion through instagram
lovely liturgies (and how nick is incorporating them more and more)
enchiladas and great conversation at community group
time with the faircloths. love that it's easy and real and easy.
pizza box postcards (now to see if they make it to their destinations)
knowing eli is in an incredible environment at impact 360 for learning and discussions and fellowship and friendship
"startle the world with glimpses of divine kindness." - dane ortlund
all the giggles and grins that can only come from girls playing in a cabinet
"God loves to just gush forth with His goodness." - dallas willard, life without lack
a friend willing to let me know that something i did (or in this case, didn't do/say) stung. true friendship requires honesty...and i'm grateful for the true friendship.
cup from benin, plate from bulgaria, coffee from costa rica, cake from a friend...just the right breakfast
april's thoughtfulness with the book and flowers and trader joe's goodness
nick's kindness and intentionality to make it possible for me to get away for a couple of days (and the fact that the house was cleaner when i came back than when i left. he's so wonderful and capable!!)
TIME at Ancient Way Farm
the gifts God gave me through the weather - including the power going out and the perfect overcast Tuesday
long nap
delicious food at a delightful table
plenty of time to read and run and write
the way things all tie together - sermons, books, readings, conversations
Psalm 27
so much Truth in God's word. it's living and active. always more.
church on thursday night. breaking bread and sharing life and praying together is such a gift.
coffee and biscotti and friendship on benson drive
seeing/hearing emma and caroline enjoying one another
"you are for us. you are for us. you are for us." - the blessing song
community group gathering at the Kao's on saturday
sisters and facemasks (the sister who provided the face masks isn't pictured)
super fun and fabulous afternoon at the walls on sunday (and that all the kids are still friends after the ferocious water polo games...)
God takes lumps of clay/piles of dirt and forms it (us) unto His likeness/His glory
time in yaya's little piece of paradise (how amazing is it that at 2 pm on a wednesday afternoon in july in Georgia it was nice enough to sit outside?!)
TWO nap Thursday
the gift of BIG Jenga (and knowing that these pieces were leftovers from a SHP bed build...these pieces of wood used to be attached to pieces of wood that are currently BEDS for kids in our community!)
july 8th fireworks at the cash casa (and the ones on the 4th, too)
zoe's paddle board skillz (and her amazing dad!)
nick's fun date night plans
good stuff from thegirlnamedblake
"yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore, He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!" - Isaiah 30:18
picture perfect messaged postcards from molly
things that make me smile:
the simplicity of registering for #oneweek
hair dying party at the hebert's
nice meeting with t-train's CASA
bray farm blueberries and fabulous friends to pick them with
most everybody swimming lots and lots most every day
CAPS certificate made it to AGB
"bravery badges" with llamas
t-train's bio parents making good decisions and moving on to new stages/phases
friends eating ramen and laughing on a friday night
hearing back that things are taken care of and in order
peach milkshake (and how fun it is to know so many of the CFA employees)
Mama Florence - "I must take care of my pastor." A tray full of food that reminded me of Tuesday nights on the Africa Mercy (plantains included!!) and a gallon of super special ginger drink
7-8am Tuesday and Thursday morning this week
icecream money from yaya
another fun day at callaway with friends
finally had that coffee date with anja
girls watercoloring and bike riding and puddle jumping and generally having a good time
when those three year olds are in bed for the night (especially grateful when they quickly and peacefully fall asleep!!)
friends and little ones in the pool thursday morning (and the gift of an unexpected milkshake! 2 in one week...amazing!)
amanda's wisdom to our friend (and her fantabulous questions)
"...already loved, already chosen....that is enough..." -Jireh, maverick city/elevation worship
prayers for our city - every day at 7am and 7pm on 107.7